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Discover the Art

Discover Exclusive Fine Art by D.Ketrzynski:

O​riginal Oil Paintings & Art Prints

Explore a world of professional craftsmanship, where ​moody portraits meet vibrant fantasy. As a seasoned Artist, I ​offer high-quality originals and prints, perfect for art ​collectors, interior designers, and fantasy enthusiasts alike. ​Immerse yourself in workshops led by a master in the field, or ​commission a personalized masterpiece. My art resonates with​ fans of Realism, Fantasy, and beyond.​

Whether you're seeking to adorn your space or invest i​n timeless artistry, find your Art her​e

mock up poster frame in modern interior fully furnished rooms ba
mock up poster frame in modern interior fully furnished rooms ba


mock up poster frame in modern interior fully furnished rooms ba
mock up poster frame in modern interior fully furnished rooms ba


What I See is What you get

Welcome to my artistic journey! My name is Dorothea Alice Ketrzynski, ​and I am a passionate visual artist who is at home in the fascinating ​world of oil painting on canvas. As a self-taught artist, I started my ​artistic journey a few years ago, drawing inspiration from books, ​videos and the inspiring variety of social media platforms.

My artistic journey began with drawing, but quickly developed into a ​deep love of oil painting. Through my teaching experiences, I was able ​to not only perfect my own technique, but also develop my passion for ​sharing knowledge and inspiration with other art lovers.

In my work, I like to capture the essence of despair, but not in a bold ​way. Rather, I strive to capture that face we see in the mirror in the ​morning before we start the day. A face that shows the inner despair ​of a life that is not lived as it should be. A life that is too comfortable ​to step out of, but at the same time so alienating that you no longer ​perceive yourself properly.

Desperate at heart, I paint the shades of emotions that shimmer in the ​light of change, while dreams float in shards. With each attempt to ​grasp these shards, they cut and cause pain. There is no escape from ​the haunting reality that my art attempts to capture.

I invite you to immerse yourself in my world of painting and see the ​nuances of the human experience through my eyes. Thank you for being ​part of my journey.

Sincerely, D.A.Ketrzynski

Shop Oringinal Art


Oi​l on Canvas


Co​ming soon...


Oi​l on Canvas 120 x 80 cm


Com​ing soon​...

Fine Art Prints

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Empower Change: Purchase a Portrait,

transform a Life.

Every stroke of my brush carries a message of ​hope for children in need. Through my ​heartfelt initiative, I've painted portraits of ​children with the sole purpose of supporting ​those who face the harsh realities of war, ​poverty, and limited opportunities.

With each purchase of these poignant ​portraits, you're not just acquiring a piece of ​art; you're extending a lifeline to those who ​need it most. Every penny generated from the ​sale of these paintings goes directly towards ​aiding children in vulnerable situations, ​providing them with essentials, education, and ​opportunities they deserve.

By bringing home one of these portraits, ​you're not only adorning your space with ​beauty, but also contributing to a brighter ​future for children around the world. Join me ​in making a difference, one brushstroke at a ​time. Together, let's create a world where ​every child has the chance to thrive.



Join my Workshops

Over 300 individuals have ​unleashed their creativity under ​my guidance, creating stunning ​works of art. Embark on a journey ​of painting mastery and tap into my ​wealth of experience and teaching ​prowess by joining my classes. ​Experience the joy of painting ​alongside a seasoned artist and ​elevate your skills to new heights.

Workshops ​Coming soon...

Commission Your Vision

Let's turn your imagination into reality. ​Whether you have a clear idea, a few samples, ​or a detailed description of your desired ​masterpiece, I'm here to bring it to life.

Simply share your vision with me, along with ​any specific dimensions in centimeters you ​have in mind. Additionally, let me know your ​preferred material: Oil on Canvas, Cotton, or ​Panel.

Together, we'll craft a one-of-a-kind artwork ​that speaks to your unique taste and style. ​Let's embark on this creative journey together.

